Monday, August 30, 2010

My Mom's Wish List

Because I was so sick last Christmas and also for my mom's 85th birthday she didn't receive gifts from me. Once I started feeling better she put in her request for a yellow as well as an orchid piece. She loves necklaces so that is what I set about to make. I finally surprised her this past weekend with them. The yellow one was for christmas wrapped for Christmas and the orchid one was for her 85th birthday. She loved them both and it made me feel so good to see her so happy.

My Latest Free Form Necklace

I know it has been a while since I've posted anything and I do have a lot of pretty things to share with you. I was back in the hospital for 9 more days but WOW I got mega beading done. I felt good this time and just had to be hooked up to IV'S around the clock and it allowed me to really get many pieces completed.

This is the latest in a group of free form pieces I am doing. I am working on a beautiful turquoise and gray piece that is really shaping up nicely.